Our valued customer,
We are open for service. Auto Repair and Maintenance facilities have been deemed “essential” by Governor Baker during the statewide shut down, and therefore will be open Monday through Friday 8AM-5PM and Saturday 8AM-1PM. Please feel free to call us today at, 888-466-1737 or set up an appointment online. Due to the mandatory shut down, our Sales showroom will be closed for the duration. However, we have friendly staff ready and willing to discuss any questions you may have at this time.
Please feel free to contact us today at, 877-988-9696. In addition, all of our inventory is available at, CentralGMCNorwood.com, where you can shop from the comfort of your home. We remain committed to our customers during this difficult time, and are committed to being a resource for whatever questions you may have.
Thank you, Brian Hayes General Manager